Off marries art

autors posters

In 2018, on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of Ortigia Film Festival, a new project was launched entitled: OFF Marries Art (Author’s Posters). The idea stems from the desire to involve the other arts within the film festival. Each year the Off board chooses an artist to create a work from which the entire graphic concept of the communication and exhibition will be developed.

But it is not only Off that marries art because the artist will also marry Off by donating the original of his work that will be exhibited during the festival. The works created over time will become a private collection of Ortigia Film Festival and will be exhibited during the festival. The work in progress project foresees that from 2023, when we will have reached the fifth donation, the works will be exhibited with their respective posters, in a permanent space/exhibition, accessible to citizens and tourists. The aim is to create a continuous dialogue between art, the territory and the festival in a game of intermingling and cross-references that Off and the association that created it have been pursuing since its inception.

Off Marries Art – Exhibition of Ortigia Film festival works and posters

15 July to 22July 2023

During the Festival it will be possible to visit the exhibition “Off marries art”, a project conceived and curated by Roberto Gallo in the space of the Antico Mercato di Ortigia. The works donated to the Ortigia Film Festival by Sergio Fiorentino, Fabio Lovino, Paolo Campagnolo, Mauro Balletti, Andrea Chisesi and the posters curated by Carlo Coniglio (first edition of the project) and Carmelo Iocolano (from the second edition to the present) will be on display.
Five artists paid homage to the festival, five different artistic visions united by light, stratification, dreams, archaeology understood as memory.

A fil-rouge that unravelled through the alleyways of Ortigia: the island that welcomes men and stories, the Island of Cinema under the open sky.

Be enlightened, be inspired.

work of





off 15

manifest of

Carmelo Iocolano
Red Tomato ADV

Davide Bramante narrates the world by layering images in a play of light and shadow that mirrors contemporary society. Photograms overlapping in simultaneous visions that represent his way of seeing and telling the world. His highly original photographic technique of multiple exposures, consisting of a sequence of 4 to 9 shots, manages to bring together within his work the three things he loves most: art, photography and travel

work of

Andrea Chisesi


Fusione su tela


off 14

manifest of

Carmelo Iocolano
Red Tomato ADV

The work was created with torn posters and acrylic paint, the photographic shot portrays the actress at the age of 40, the artist created the work in black and white to emphasise the non-timelessness, the great actress, who made a requirement of her working life, said “I couldn’t have done anything else”, a thought in common with Andrea Chisesi.
work of



L’amore per la luce


off 13

poster of

Carmelo Iocolano
Red Tomato ADV

A visionary artist who has designed the poster for the 13th edition of the Ortigia Film Festival, an image reminiscent of cinema seats.
work of





off 12

poster of

Carmelo Iocolano
Red Tomato ADV

It is a cinematographic film with insertions of metals, oxidising agents, acrylic colours and interference and was created as a tribute to Syracuse, to its history and, at the same time, it wants to be a tribute to cinema. It is a work inspired by the ancient splendour of the city, re-proposing the ancient plan of Ortigia in a modern key. I have always had very deep personal and professional ties with Sicily,” says Paolo Campagnolo, “and I was happy to be able to donate one of my works to the Ortigia Film Festival. A work that, more than a simple poster, is intended to be my personal tribute to Syracuse and the cinema”.
opera di



ricerca “circus”


off 11

manifesto di

Carmelo Iocolano
Red Tomato ADV

“Questa immagine – dice Lovino – fa parte della mia ricerca “circus”,ispirata al mondo di Federico Fellini, al sogno , all’inafferrabile, il motivo per il quale ho iniziato a fare foto è stato la visione de “la dolce vita” a 13 anni. Una ricerca – Spiega – che porto avanti da 20 anni con un gruppo di amici cari , che spesso sono gli ispiratori di molti miei lavori: attori attrici, danzatori costumisti e operatori di effetti speciali cinematografici. In questa foto da sinistra c’è la danzatrice Francesca di Maio, Claudio Santamaria, Claudia Pandolfi, Vinicio Marchioni, la danzatrice Eliana Ghione, Giulia Bevilacqua, a loro spesso si sono aggiunti Filippo Timi, Pi Kewahong, Fabrizia Sacchi, Tommaso Ramenghi. Alba Rohrwacher, Chiara Tomarelli,. I costumi sono di ADORE, con la partecipazione di Mara Masiero Costumista e Vanessa Bozzacchi stylist”.

opera di



Sognatrice blu


off 10

manifesto di

Carlo Coniglio

L’opera pittorica a cui si ispira il manifesto è “Sognatrice blu” di Sergio Fiorentino, catanese, classe 1973, che dopo studi classici e un diploma in pittura e restauro all’Accademia di Belle Arti Abadir di Catania, si dedica per anni allo studio ed alla ricerca delle arti decorative del ‘900. Dal 2012 si trasferisce a Noto, dove attualmente vive e lavora. Al centro della sua produzione il blu delle tele in cui personaggi di acqua, di carne e pietra si sdoppiano, sognano e restano sospesi in volo.