Film Off16 | The Voice of the Sea

Italy 2023. D. 58′ Italian
Meet the audience: director Mariagrazia Pontorno
Director: Mariagrazia Pontorno
PRODUCTION: Maritima01, Acqua Foundation, UCV-IMEDMAR Laboratory
Cast: Chiara Vigo, Jose Tena, Jose Raphael Garcia March
Photography: Marisa Vallone, Davide Eustacchi
Editing: Mariagrazia Pontorno
Music: Vanishing Twin, Felipe Ayres, Scott Metoyer
Nobilis Golden Moon is a movie straddling two pandemics and two full moons. A documentary about the relationship between scientific thought and magical one, told through the Pinna Nobilis, the largest bivalve in the Mediterranean. Pinna Nobilis, also known as the “Sentinel of Mediterranean”, is a large mussel which exceeds the height of a meter, at risk of disappearing for a pandemic disease. The narration sets a parallelism between the current emergency that the whole world is experiencing because of Covid-19 and that one of the Mediterranean and Pinna Nobilis.
Nobilis Golden Moon is a movie straddling two pandemics and two full moons. A documentary about the relationship between scientific thought and magical one, told through the Pinna Nobilis, the largest bivalve in the Mediterranean. Pinna Nobilis, also known as the “Sentinel of Mediterranean”, is a large mussel which exceeds the height of a meter, at risk of disappearing for a pandemic disease. The narration sets a parallelism between the current emergency that the whole world is experiencing because of Covid-19 and that one of the Mediterranean and Pinna Nobilis.
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July 9
9:15 PM
9:15 PM
The Voice of the Sea
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